St. James MS/HS Choirs are in need of a piano accompanist. The students are preparing for a May 17th Choir Concert as well as a May 6th solo concert. Rehearsal times are during the day as well as in the morning at 7:10 and 7:45 A.M. for Limited Edition, Madrigals and Junior Madrigals. Applicants can apply for all or part of the choirs groups. Pay is $20.00/ hour. Interested, contact Jared Schwanz.
Here is this week's edition of "#NorthsideStJ News". You can access this week's update here:
This week, #NorthsideStJ ELD classes celebrated the end of ACCESS Testing! What a fun way to celebrate the students' hard work.
Saints Family,
The School District has heard about and been asked about rumors of a weapon, specifically a gun, found in a locker at the middle/high school school. This is a false statement. We occasionally work with the Watonwan Sheriff's Office to have their dog search the school as a safety measure and a practice tool for the dog. These searches are random and unannounced in order to help make sure our school is as safe as we can make it on a daily basis.
If a weapon or major drugs were to be found, a press release, such as this, would be provided in order to help the school district stay transparent and allow families and community members the opportunity to work with the school district to keep our school district and community a safe and welcoming environment.
In Saints pride,
Dr. Steven Heil, Superintendent
Familia de los Santos,
El Distrito Escolar ha escuchado y ha sido preguntado sobre rumores de un arma, específicamente una pistola, encontrada en un casillero en la escuela intermedia/secundaria. Esta es una declaración falsa. Ocasionalmente trabajamos con la Oficina del Sheriff de Watonwan para que el perro registre la escuela como medida de seguridad y herramienta de práctica para el perro. Estas búsquedas son aleatorias y sin previo aviso para ayudar a garantizar que nuestra escuela sea lo más segura posible a diario.
Si se encontrara una arma o drogas importantes, se proporcionaría un comunicado de prensa, como este, para ayudar al distrito escolar a mantenerse transparente y permitir a las familias y miembros de la comunidad la oportunidad de trabajar con el distrito escolar para mantener nuestro distrito escolar y la comunidad un ambiente seguro y acogedor.
Con orgullo santos,
Dr. Steven Heil, Superintendente
Congratulations to this week's #NorthsideStJ Saints Power winners! Way to go!
Here is this week's #NorthsideStJ News:
#NorthsideStJ is ready for the 3-5 STEM Night. Grades 3-5 Families stop on by for some science fun! Thank you to the @bellmuseum for the STEM Night resources.
#NorthsideStJ G2 students in Mrs. Ommodt's STEM class are using the engineering design process as they create marble mazes for classmates to solve. #STEM #lego
#NorthsideStJ G2 students in Mrs. Becker's art class exploring the work of Henri Matisse. #arteducation @turnaroundarts
Congratulations to this weeks #NorthsideStJ Saints Power winners! Way to go!
#NorthsideStJ G3 Students were visited by the Exploradome from the Bell Museum. Students took part in two shows, as well as explored moon phases and created space origami. What a great connection to their literacy module about space.
#NorthsideStJ is excited that the @BellMuseum ExploraDome is visiting @ISD840 today. Our G3 students are learning about Outer Space and exploring "How do people learn about space?" as part of their learning in literacy. #STEMeducation #exploradome
Congratulations to this weeks #NorthsideStJ Saints Power winners. Way to go!
The start of @girlswhocode began this week for #NorthsideStJ 4th Grade girls. Excited to see what these students create. #stem
Congratulations to this weeks #NorthsideStJ Saints Power winners.
Renew your Health Care
#NorthsideStJ students have been busy in Mrs. Becker's art class.
G3-weavings of sleeping cats & dogs
G4-Art insprired by Jean-Michel Basquiat piece "Pez Dispenzer" (1984)
G5-Jim Dine Brushes
A huge thank you to @st.jamesnorthsideelementaryPTO for hosting Magician Brian Richards for #NorthsideStJ K-2 Literacy night. It was a fun filled evening about literacy and setting goals.
Earlier this week, a #NorthsideStJ 5th grade student, Miguel, from Mrs. Carlson's class was able to pie Principal Dawson in the face as part of @isd840 Coaches v. Cancer. The event raised close to $7,500 district wide.
G3 #NorthsideStJ Ss engaged in writing a 4 paragraph explanatory essay for FQT 1 of Module 2 which explores the essential question "How do people learn about space?" @WitWisdomELA