#NorthsideStJ Grade 3 Students in Computer Science are coding "creatures" to follow a self-selected path. #CSEducation
4 months ago, Liam Dawson
Yesterday, #NorthsideStJ 1st graders in Ms. Romsdahl's class were identifying the events of selected pages in Gilberto and the Wind.
4 months ago, Liam Dawson
Story Elements
Students collaborating
Students collaborating
Students collaborating
#NorthsideStJ Kindergarten Ss in Mrs. Winrich's class learned about capitalizing the first word in a sentence when determining how school changed "Then" and "Now"
4 months ago, Liam Dawson
KA class
Student response to how school is different now
Kindergarten Groups
May 6 - May 10th is Teacher Appreciation Week, to celebrate #NorthsideStJ will hold a "spirit week" to honor our incredible Northside staff. See the images for more details
4 months ago, Liam Dawson
#NorthsideStJ Spirit Week
#NorthsideStJ Spirit Week
St. James Public Schools wants to celebrate our #SchoolLunchHeros. Thank you for creating a welcoming environment and nourishing our students throughout the day. Happy School Lunch Hero Day!
4 months ago, Liam Dawson
School Lunch Hero Day
All events are still on today - Thursday, May 2! There was a TWEET that softball is canceled, which is NOT TRUE! SB DH @ Windom 4pm is on!!! JH Track @ home 4pm is on!!! Boys Tennis @ Pipestone is on!!!
4 months ago, Steve Chapin
Happy School Principals' Day to St. James Public Schools principal's. Thank you for all you do.
5 months ago, Liam Dawson
Happy Principals' Appreciation Day
Track is cancelled today because of the severe weather predicted for today from 4PM to 7PM We are looking at having a meet tomorrow but it will depend on if we can get enough schools to attend.
5 months ago, Steve Chapin
Today's baseball game with Jackson has been postponed and will be played tomorrow starting at 1 PM. The game will be live-streamed on Hudl The only option for our kids to not lose a home game was playing at 1 PM tomorrow. JV/B is canceled; this will be a Varsity-only game.
5 months ago, Steve Chapin
Baseball moved to 4:45pm today in Redwood because only one field is ready. JV will follow after and is scheduled for 5 innings. Thanks and sorry as this spring has been unpredictable! Go Saints!
5 months ago, Steve Chapin
St. James School recently moved our Parent Portal to a new server. Please note the new URL: https://arcc.infinitecampus.org/campus/portal/stjames.jsp If you have the old address bookmarked, it will no longer work. Please bookmark the address above and use it from here on out. You login information will be exactly the same as it was before the move. If you are using the mobile app, you will need to log out, and log back in again to connect to the new portal.
5 months ago, St. James Public Schools
Happy Administrative Professionals Day to St. James Public Schools Secretarial staff. Thank you for all you do.
5 months ago, Liam Dawson
Administrative Professionals Day
Educators, families, and students (grades 8–12), please speak up and take the Statewide Assessment Redesign Survey. Your voice can influence how assessment results are reported for our schools: tinyurl.com/state-testing-survey. Open until May 19.
5 months ago, Liam Dawson
G3 #NorthsideStJ Ss in Ms Lick's Class read, "Free to Move" for fluency practice with a partner. Student engagement ✔️ Students having fun ✔️ HQIM ✔️
5 months ago, Liam Dawson
Geodes Text
Today's baseball game vs Windom has been postponed to a later date (TBD).
5 months ago, Steve Chapin
Monday 4/8/24 Softball is now canceled today @ JCC. DH tomorrow vs JCC at St. James start time 4:30 pm.
5 months ago, Steve Chapin
Earlier this week, #NorthsideStJ students in Mrs. Malmgren's class took part in a "Book Walk" to explore the texts they will use in their next literacy module about America Then and Now.
6 months ago, Liam Dawson
Book Walk
Book Walk
#NorthsideStJ Familes, Due to weather, St. James Public Schools has an e-learning day, Tuesday, March 26th. That means #NorthsideStJ principal, Mr. Dawson, is back with a new song: https://youtu.be/dbyOFwpHUOw  Stay safe and Go Saints!
6 months ago, Liam Dawson
Congratulations to this week's #NorthsideStJ Saints Power winners! Way to go!
6 months ago, Liam Dawson
Saints Power Winners
Book Winners
St. James athletics is looking for a Head Girls Basketball coach and assistants. We are also looking for assistant Football coaches. Interested, contact Jared Schwanz or see our website for application and requirements.
6 months ago, Steve Heil