It was Inside-Out Day at #NorthsideStJ as we continue to celebrate SJPS Homecoming Week. Tomorrow is hat/cap and slippers day. Go Saints!
over 3 years ago, Liam Dawson
5th Grade
5th Grade
4th Grade
2nd Grade
#NorthsideStJ celebrates the arts and appreciates being a Turnaround Arts partner school. We are extremely thankful for the arrival of the 38 boxes of arts supplies courtesy of Turnaround Arts and the Kennedy Center. The students are excited!
over 3 years ago, Liam Dawson
2nd Grade
4th Grade
It was Farmer Day at #NorthsideStJ yesterday. Here are a few of the classes dressed up yesterday. Today is Inside-Out Day.
over 3 years ago, Liam Dawson
3rd Grade
4th Grade
3rd Grade
It was Red, White, and Blue Day at #NorthsideStJ as part of Homecoming Week. Tomorrow is dress like a Farmer Day to support individuals in the agricultural field.
over 3 years ago, Liam Dawson
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
3rd Grade
1st Grade
Congratulations to this week's #NorthsideStJ Saints Power winners. way to go!
over 3 years ago, Liam Dawson
Saints Power Winners
Book Vending Machine
Today was "M" for mustache day in Kindergarten. Great learning taking place for our early learners!
over 3 years ago, Liam Dawson
Congratulations to this week's #NorthsideStJ Saints Power Winners! Way to go!
over 3 years ago, Liam Dawson
Book Vending Maching
Saints Power Winners
St. James Public Schools is looking for a 190 Day Secretary for the Middle/High School Office. Job duties include attendance, answering the phone, working with students, staff, and community members, general office and school duties, and other office duties as needed. Applicants looking for a fast paced and friendly atmosphere working in the field of education will find SJPS a great place to work. Benefits include Contribution to health insurance, sick leave, personal days, holiday pay, and 403B match. Starting wage is $14.00 per hour increasing to $15.00 per hour in year two. Applicants can apply online at:
over 3 years ago, Steve Heil
HS/MS Secretary Advertisement
Next week is Homecoming Week. Here is Northside Elementary School's Themed Days for next week. We are excited to see Northside Students and Staff show their school spirit next week. Thank you to Northside Student Leadership for creating a great line-up of days.
over 3 years ago, Liam Dawson
Homecoming Week
Northside Elementary wants to thank to community organizations for their recent donation of school supplies. First Lutheran Church (1st photo)and Mayo Clinic (2nd photo with 1 of 3 donated boxes). These supplies will greatly benefit our students this year. Thank you.
over 3 years ago, Liam Dawson
1 of 3 Mayo Clinic Boxes
FLC Donation
Northside students busy learning routines during Kindergarten STEM and 4th graders being creative with their names in Visual Arts class.
over 3 years ago, Liam Dawson
Kindergarten STEM
4th Grade Art
#NorthsideStJ Week 1 Saints Power Winners! Way to "Be Respectful, Responsible, and Safe!" Go Saints!
over 3 years ago, Liam Dawson
Weekly Saints Power Winners
Golden Token Winners
Northside Families, Monday, September 13th is "Baseball Jersey" day. So wear your favorite baseball team gear, Saints Gear, or Red and Black for the occasion. -Northside Elementary
over 3 years ago, Liam Dawson
Northside Students and Families, Welcome Back to the 2021-2022 school year. We are excited to meet families at conferences on Tuesday and Northside's first day of school Wednesday. Take a listen to the "Welcome Back" song for the year.
over 3 years ago, Liam Dawson
Northside Staff has wrapped up a busy week preparing for the return of students for the 2021-2022 school year. A few items to remember as we begin school. Parent-Teacher Conferences (1st-5th Grade)-Tuesday, September 7th 11:00-7:00pm Don't forget to bring forms that were mailed home in August and $25 for Chromebook Insurance. First Day of School for Northside Students- Wednesday, September 8th Northside Doors will remain locked until 7:40am each morning. Breakfast is available in the cafeteria from 7:45-8:05am for students. School Hours: 8:15-3:10pm The September Principal Update provides more information regarding Drop-Off and Dismissal Changes for the 2021-2022 School Year -English -Spanish We look forward to seeing you next week. Northside Elementary School
over 3 years ago, Liam Dawson
Welcome Back
KA Jumpstart Familes, It was a great first day of Jumpstart. We apologize for the miscommunication with Food Service, as not everyone was able to bring a lunch home with them today. That will be fixed for tomorrow. When dropping off and picking up your child, please remember that the loop closest to Smithfield is the car loop. The loop directly outside the building is Bus Loop. We look forward to seeing all of our KA students again tomorrow.
over 3 years ago, Liam Dawson
A big thank you to Pioneer Bank-St. James for donating school supplies for the upcoming school year! We greatly appreciate the support of our community partners and are looking forward to a great year!
over 3 years ago, Liam Dawson
Northside Supplies-Pioneer Bank
Incoming Kindergarten Families, We are excited to meet you and your children this week at Kindergarten Entrance Conferences on Wednesday and Thursday. Wednesday, August 18 8am-4pm Thursday, August 19 3pm-7pm If you haven't done so yet, please sign-up for an in-person conference time on the ptcfast website. You may scan the QR code to access the site. Familias entrantes de kindergarten, Estamos muy contentos de conocerlos a usted y a sus hijos esta semana en las conferencias de entrada al jardín de infantes los miércoles y jueves. Miércoles 18 de agosto 8 am-4pm Jueves 19 de agosto 3 pm-7pm Si aún no lo ha hecho, regístrese para una conferencia en persona en el sitio web de ptcfast. Puede escanear el código QR para acceder al sitio.
over 3 years ago, Liam Dawson
NEW TO ST. JAMES? Enroll in the Guidance Office at the Middle/Senior High School!
over 3 years ago, St. James Public Schools
Next School Board Meeting Monday, August 9, 2021 6:00 PM Board Agenda Principal's Report Armstrong Meeting Room + Live Video Link Board Agendas Page Link
over 3 years ago, St. James Public Schools